„Love, dream and create“
JULIA PANDIT ist eine multimediale Künstlerin, Designerin, Lichtarbeiterin und Mutter.
Visionäre Malerei und transformatives Bodypainting sind ihre Schwerpunkte. Außerdem gehören handbemalte Accessoires, Tätowieren, Illutration und Performance zu ihrem Schaffensbereichen. Unter dem Label AKHILA.LOVE vereint sie all ihre Projekte.
JULIA sieht ihre Berufung darin, eine positive Realität zu schaffen, Menschen zu inspirieren und die Kanäle zum Übersinnlichen und der geistigen Welt zu öffnen.
JULIA PANDIT is a Berlin based visionary artist, designer, lightworker and mother.
Her work is filled with patterns and symbols and are a colorful explosion of the metaphysical world. Inspired by ancient mystics, magical experiences, and mainly the spiritual world, her language speaks through geometry, symmetries and object arrangements which create archetypical and healing energy fields.
PANDIT studied fine art in South Germany (FKN Nürtingen) and holds a bachelor in fashion design (BKS Stuttgart). Since a very young age she used to get occupied with the creative process trying out all kinds of mediums to leave her creative trace. At the age of 16 while being very active with graffiti and street-art she started her first paintings on canvas and very soon was holding her first exhibitions. In 2012 she started her creative label called AKHILA.LOVE which combines Art and Fashion and all her talents. The range goes from soul-portraits to wall-paintings, from hand painted accessories to costume design for performances. You can book her for Bodypainting and this year she happily started tattooing.
JULIAS Goal is it to create a beautiful, positive reality, to inspire and open the channels to the transcendental, to unseen spheres and energies.
Guided by the power of love and magic Julia’s Mission is always to love, dream and create.
Her latest project is the “Journey of the Archetypes”. The painting and installation of the 21 Archetypes of the Hunab Ku of the Maya tradition as a walk-in oracle.
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Fotos: © Julia Pandit