„self-representation and self-preception“
b.1988, Germany
Lives and works in Vienna (AUT)
Katja Gürtler studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with Daniel Richter and Lisa Ruyter and spent two semesters abroad at the Academy of Fine Arts Krakow. In 2024 she will be a scholarship holder for the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport in the Cité Internationale des Arts Paris. Her artistic focus stems from the tension of social constructions and the fractures modern society. Regardless of whether they are in motion or passive. the subiects of her paintinas are always alone: the bodies are distorted and exaggerated, the gaze is directed towards the viewer. In her pictures, she deals with questions of self-representation and self-preception – the image that one draws on the outside and the view that one directs inward. She recently presented her work in Vienna with FEMGarage in the Garage Grande and at the „CRIME“ exhibition hosted by Sicc.zine Collective, after showing in the Künstlerhaus Wien and SUPER. Additionally, she worked with Galerie Vernon in Prag.
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